Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The S.S.S (Scrumptious Spaghetti Squash)

I have no idea what the original recipe is called, so I came up with my own name for it seen as how I only used 3 ingredients from the original recipe!

1 Spaghetti Squash

1 bunch of asparagus

couple shakes of Thyme

(those are the original ingredients)

1 garlic bulb (that means the whole thing!), roast it and squeeze out the softened cloves. (My kids thought it was funny, I thought it was really hot!)

3 roma tomatoes


1 packet of Good Seasonings italian dressing

Sea Salt to taste

Cook squash according to your favorite method, I did mine cut lengthwise in the oven for an hour. At the same time I wrapped a head of garlic with the top sliced off and olive oil in some foil and roasted it.

Cook FROZEN chicken in slow cooker with the seasoning packet on low for 6 hours or so. (That's it. I had made the chicken for another recipe and used the left overs for this one. If you are going vegetarian just leave out the chicken, but to be honest I think the seasoned chicken made the whole dish!

Steam the asparagus to your desired consistency. I like my veggies firm/crisp so I did it for a short time. When it is done cut it up into bite size pieces.

Dice the tomato.

When the squash is done scoop out the innards (The kids loved this part and really enjoyed sampling it plain!). Put all the ingredients in a big pan with some more olive oil, a couple shakes of thyme, sea salt and Voila!

Even my picky non-vegetable eater gobbled this up (minus the tomatoes, it is her least favorite!) I was looking forward to the left overs for lunch the next day, but my husband came home late that night and gobbled it up. Both my girls had 2 servings! My husband didn't like the whole garlic cloves, he felt they would be better mashed up or something, but I and my girls devoured them!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Looks like a good recipe. I have used the whole roasted garlic cloves in mashed potatoes (using red potatoes)- I cut the garlic closes into about four pieces each last time and liked it a bit better. But you are right roasted garlic is very buttery and yummy and super flavorful.