Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another Shoe Update??

If you have been a faithful reader of my blog you may recall my entries called Shoes and also Shoe Update. If you have not read those entries you may want to so you know what I am talking about.

Remember my pair of ugly black shoes that hurt my feet and I dreaded putting them on and hid them in the depths of my closet on weekends? Well that pair of shoes will be donated to a thrift store next week so that some other woman may get more use out of them than I did. The woman who buys them for 3 dollars at the thrift store may find those shoes the greatest blessing she has received in a long time. She may think they are fashionable or cute. She may think they are mighty comfortable and never wants to get out of them again. She just might want them more than I ever did. Not that I am ungrateful for those shoes, for what they meant to me and my family, but I am over joyed and most grateful of all to say that I will no longer be wearing them.

You maybe asking, "what does this mean?". I will tell you. I am no longer required to work full time away from my home. I am no longer required to put on that hideous, green ,polyester, high waisted, front pleated suit; did I mention scratchy and staticy? Through much prayer, fasting, and discussion, Kevin and I have finally concluded that my presence in the home is far more important than the tiny amount of money that I generated each month. Life will not be easier with me be home, I will still have struggles. But I will be home. I will be where I am most happy. I must say I have been home all this week so far (my final, very last day, is Saturday the 5th) and it has been beautiful. Would you like to see what my days look like now and will continue in such a fashion for hopefully EVER! In order for you to see how truly grateful I am for my new schedule I should first share with you my old schedule.

I would wake anywhere from 730 to even as late as 830, feeling tired, soar, achy, crabby, rushed, and lazy. Emily would come and read to me in bed, which I inevitably slept through and got upset at her later for having not read to me (oops, my bad). I would rush the girls through cold cereal and rush them out the door to make it to school, by bike, by 9. And in saying good bye to Emily I would say, "see you tomorrow morning". Then Lydia and I would rush back home so I could go back to bed some mornings and others we would do a little school work for her. Then play friends came on various mornings and I did chores or scrap booked away the time until I rushed around getting ready for work at 2 so I could leave at 230 and be to work from 3-11 or later. I would drive home exhausted and rush through a shower, snuggle each of the girls whispering to them how much I loved and missed them, and then I would go pass out by 12 or later sometimes. I have not only seen Emily for only an hour but also Kevin for an hour and even less some days.

I wake around 645 feeling rested, revived, and rejuvenated. I spend about 45 mins reading from Jesus the Christ (a fantastic book) or scriptures. The girls are up by about 730 and I assist them getting ready for the day. At 8 I make some sort of breakfast, today was yummy oatmeal with spices, raisins, walnuts, and wheat germ; and I sit with them talking while we eat. We leave the house happy, no one is crying! After we say good bye to Emily at school Lydia and I go on a lovely leisurely bike ride. We get back home in time for play dates or some school time and even some snuggle time. I do some chores, like today I am organizing my office, which was far past due! And play a game with Lydia or read a story. I do some scrap booking here and there. I get to pick up Emily from school, which we take our time and have a visit on the way home. We sit at the table and all do some school work together. I make some dinner, which is from scratch-no more box meals!, while the girls do their NEW chores. Then we all sit down as a family and have a lovely visit while we eat my lovely meal. Then the girls get ready for bed and I read to them from Narnia or some other too advanced book. Then I tuck the girls in, say good night, and most importantly, "I'll see you in the morning". I spend a little of time with Kevin, go to bed with him around 9 but stay up and read in bed until 10, when I pass out after a beautiful day.

I know it is quite wordy but I was much too excited to leave out any of these fabulous details! I love being a homemaker! It is where I feel most like me. It is where I feel the most rewarded. It is where I belong.


The Idaho Olsens said...

I am so happy for you... I know that this was something you have wanted to do for a long time. Isn't wonderful to be home with the kids and see how they grow and change each day, and being able to put them to bed at night and spend time with your husband is great also. Yea, we will have to get together more now!!

ginger said...

oh, suze! I am so excited for your new happiness! I know that the Lord will bless you for your sacrifices! You are such a wonderful mother and friend! Congratulations, and thank you for your wonderful stories, and thoughts. I enjoy reading them.

Katherine said...

Suzanna, you will never regret staying home with your girls. Every sacrifice is worth it. Miss ya!

The Healthy Way, Somerset said...

Howdy Suz! Thank you for sending me the e-vite to revisit your blog. You know that I rarely spend time on the computer and I often forget about checking out fun stuff like Suez World. I know that we discussed this decision of yours via the telephone, but it is always so nice to read your words... you really have a way of enveloping your readers! I pray that your new schedule will alleviate your stress significantly. It sounds like you and the family are really enjoying it. Logan says that your new background is really COOL!

Suzanna said...

First, tell Logan thanks, I really like my new background as well. Very Suezworld isn't it? Also, tell liguidude I miss him!

I also thank each of you who have commented in regards to my post.