Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Food For Thought
Every school day we ride bikes to and from school. Lydia has been learning to start off without leaning on her training wheels to get going (by the way I took them off today and she is doing excellent). I never realized the great effort required in the "start" mode of riding a bike. I found myself losing patience as Lydia was attempting to get this new step of losing her training wheels down to a T. She began to figure out the foot work, but in the process forgot about her arms. She'd get her feet on the peddles but her arms were twisting and turning the bike all over the place and she'd eventually crash or run off the side walk into a tree or get stuck in the grass. She'd get frustrated and blame her bike for screwing up and not working right. I found myself repeatedly telling her, "keep your hands strong on the handle bars, if your arms are strong and steady you will not go off the path". It didn't seem to matter how many times I told her, she'd still crash and she'd still blame the bike, even though her arms were flailing all over the place like wet noodles. I even went to her, held my hands on top of hers and showed her, physically, what her arms were doing and then I'd show her what her arms should be doing. She has finally got it figured out but all yesterday morning I kept thinking about what I told her. How often have I been like a wet noodle, flailing all over the place, crashing, running off track, and blame it on something or someone other than the person who is truly to blame? How often has this happened to me and "someone" came and put their hands on mine and had shown me the proper way? How quickly was I to learn to be steady and strong (certainly not as quickly as Lydia did)?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Happy Moment: Dollar Store Treasure
I ventured to the Dollar Tree, I believe that is what it is called, for the first time today. I was on a mission...to purchase a Halloween bowl for work. When we first moved back to the US we were told that we just had to go to a dollar store. So, we did. We were incredibly disappointed. The store we had gone to had a bunch of junk and was totally disorganized. Mind you we moved here from Okinawa Japan, home of the 100yen store. It is the most amazing store. You could spend hours searching through the many items that the store offers for 100yen, equivalent to a dollar, for that one treasure. I'd leave the store having spent 2000yen and have some tasty Japanese treats, funny poorly translated into English t-shirts, and anything else mine or my children's hearts desired. As you can see we were expecting a lot from these US dollar stores and we were seriously let down. When I entered this Dollar Tree I was pleasantly surprised. They were already putting out Christmas decor, there were bags of Halloween candy, the bowl I had gone in for, and numerous other items that caught my attention. I spent all of 10 minutes inside but decided this store was worth my return. Just before getting in line for check out the greatest treasure I could find was right in front of me. RAZZLES!!!!!!! Need I say more as to why that is my happy moment for the day? OK, one more word, maybe 3...Thirteen Going on Thirty. Best movie EVER!
One more side happy thought for the road...Snow on the mountains...it is a beautiful day! The way the clouds cast shadows over the mountains the misty look at the caps, the snow. Beautiful, simply beautiful.
One more side happy thought for the road...Snow on the mountains...it is a beautiful day! The way the clouds cast shadows over the mountains the misty look at the caps, the snow. Beautiful, simply beautiful.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy Moment : I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane
I have not seen my family in 4 years! My family in it's entirety has not been together in well over 7 years, mainly because of me. This Christmas my Dad wanted us to all get together and I was so distraught over the whole decision, "should I stay or should I go now" (that is a good song by the way). I had made up my mind to stay here in Boise with my family and put off my siblings and parents for another year or so. I had chosen not to go for too many reasons to list. The choice was painful and I hated talking about it because every time I did I would cry. I like living far away from extended family (Kevin and I have not lived any where near family for 7 years), but at the same time I love to get together with them. We have fun. I spent yesterday and today recalling those fun times and reminded myself that I may not get another opportunity to be with all 6 siblings at my parents again any time soon. So, I sucked it up (all the many reason NOT to go) and I bought a ticket to Missouri for a few days after Christmas. My sweet little family will not be with me, I even felt a little selfish about this, but at the same time I am so excited to go do something on my own. I haven't done anything like this since, uh, 1999 when I flew out to Utah to see Kevin and he proposed to me!
Well, that is my happy moment for today. What was yours?
Well, that is my happy moment for today. What was yours?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Happy Moment: I Pledge Allegiance
Today's happy moment actually choked me up and bit. Today was my day to volunteer in my daughter's class room. I always look forward to Thursdays in the classroom. Each morning the secretary reviews some announcements and reminders to the children and then calls the children to all stand and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance. I was under the impression that the Pledge had been taking out of the schools. I am happy to "hear" that it has not been removed from my daughter's school. Seeing all these 6 year old kids stand placing their hands over their hearts, looking at the flag and reciting the pledge that I had too recited as a young child made my heart swell. It was at this phrase that got me the first day and now once again today...one nation under God. I am proud to be an American. I am not at all bothered by reciting those words. We are one Nation, under God, and should be indivisible. And yet, sadly, we are very much divided, certainly not one. I was honored to be able to recite the pledge along with the children. My daughter looked at me and mouthed across the room, "I didn't know you knew the pledge"! With the many immigrants throughout our country I see the controversy with children being required to repeat this pledge. Most people believe in a supreme being. The founders of this great country believed in a God. I feel that pledging an allegiance to the flag (which is purely a symbol, the allegiance is not to a piece of material, it is to that which the flag represents) is a duty all Americans must accept. Allegiance means devotion or loyalty...to what? Freedom, Justice, and all that America stands for. I believe, maybe in ignorance or naivety, that if we each remember what being an American truly means, remember all the many lives lost in fighting for those beliefs from the very infancy of this great country, then just maybe we can have the unity that is needed to keep a great country great. If we do not uphold those values this country was founded upon then all those men, woman, and children who have died and continue to die for this cause will have done so in vain.
That is all I have to say about that.
Here is an added happy moment for my day. This is too happy to not share!
Today was rather cold (in the mid 40s) and very cloudy. This sort of weather makes me rather snuggly and teddy bearish. Just before leaving for work I grabbed Kevin, in spite of his "trying" to reject me (he has become far too serious! And mind you this is the boy who was once called Tigger), we danced around and twirled and just acted silly. Just then Lydia came peaking around the corner to see why Mom and Dad were laughing and being way too happy and silly for our usual serious, stressed out selves. We both grinned at Lydia and she just stood so happy to see us having fun. So, I ditched Kevin and went and scooped up Lydia, who was obviously very jealous of the funness in the home, and I began to whirl and twirl around with her. I gave them both hugs and kisses goodbye and went out the door for work. It has been a while since I left the house and those I left behind were smiling and happy. Well, even I was smiling more than usual! I do believe this has been a great day on my quest!
That is all I have to say about that.
Here is an added happy moment for my day. This is too happy to not share!
Today was rather cold (in the mid 40s) and very cloudy. This sort of weather makes me rather snuggly and teddy bearish. Just before leaving for work I grabbed Kevin, in spite of his "trying" to reject me (he has become far too serious! And mind you this is the boy who was once called Tigger), we danced around and twirled and just acted silly. Just then Lydia came peaking around the corner to see why Mom and Dad were laughing and being way too happy and silly for our usual serious, stressed out selves. We both grinned at Lydia and she just stood so happy to see us having fun. So, I ditched Kevin and went and scooped up Lydia, who was obviously very jealous of the funness in the home, and I began to whirl and twirl around with her. I gave them both hugs and kisses goodbye and went out the door for work. It has been a while since I left the house and those I left behind were smiling and happy. Well, even I was smiling more than usual! I do believe this has been a great day on my quest!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A Quest
A couple weeks ago I read an article about happiness, remember it was the source of "evil" that "made" me do a backward somersault to remain youthful and fun? (I am rarely sarcastic, this is one of those moments. I just needed to blame my accident on something other than myself.) Realizing that I took the article way beyond the author intended I decided to look at his words differently. Life is way too short to be so overwhelmed and "grown up" and unhappy (meaning all the stuff in life that may put some tension in your neck or a frown on your face".
While at the Chiropractor today I was told that living a stress-free life is a good step to recovery. HA! I thought that was funny. But then I started thinking about the receptionist's comment and this is the main question I came up with..."How on earth does anyone live a stress free life who is neither a monk nor some carefree hippie?"
My quest is this...to spend some time each day reflecting on what made me happy that day and to take 5 minutes doing absolutely nothing but lay on my bed and not think of any of my worries or stresses, to breath deeply and just be free. Part of that quest is going to be reporting on those happy moments. And I am re"quest"ing your happy posts as well. Sharing happy moments is probably the best thing anyone could ever do. Laughter is contagious and so are smiles.
As for my very first day on this quest I am finding it difficult to even begin. What is a quest if there aren't good days, bad days, and some in between. It just so happens that the day I decide to start this quest for recognizing the good in my life I start out on a bad foot. But I cannot expect to progress further without even trying. So, let's see...my happy moment today was...a phone call from my sister. It wasn't a phone call that made me happy, I actually did more crying than anything, but the phone call from my sister told me she was thinking of me and loved me. That makes me happy. Also the 2 second thought I gave to the lovely view of fall made me VERY happy. But like I said, that lasted about 2 seconds. I would have loved to have dedicated more thought to the view of God's creations. I am happy to be in an area that has Autumn, the changing leaves, the skies that threaten of snow (though I do not care for snow I do LOVE clouds), autumn alone makes me snugly and warm. I am feeling better already just forcing myself to recall the good in my day! I shall continue! Another thing that brings me GREAT relief and joy is that I completed the 6th and 7th books in the Harry Potter series in 6 days (finished late last night). To complete both in 5 days, working a full time job and taking care of my family, required some mad crazy reading. I don't think I have ever read that insanely in my whole life. I finished one and immediately began the next. I read at every opportunity and way too late into the night! Even today my eyes and brain are so exhausted I find it difficult to focus. But I am through and that makes me happy. Now I can get back to my life.
I'd love to hear your happy moment for the day. Please share!
While at the Chiropractor today I was told that living a stress-free life is a good step to recovery. HA! I thought that was funny. But then I started thinking about the receptionist's comment and this is the main question I came up with..."How on earth does anyone live a stress free life who is neither a monk nor some carefree hippie?"
My quest is this...to spend some time each day reflecting on what made me happy that day and to take 5 minutes doing absolutely nothing but lay on my bed and not think of any of my worries or stresses, to breath deeply and just be free. Part of that quest is going to be reporting on those happy moments. And I am re"quest"ing your happy posts as well. Sharing happy moments is probably the best thing anyone could ever do. Laughter is contagious and so are smiles.
As for my very first day on this quest I am finding it difficult to even begin. What is a quest if there aren't good days, bad days, and some in between. It just so happens that the day I decide to start this quest for recognizing the good in my life I start out on a bad foot. But I cannot expect to progress further without even trying. So, let's see...my happy moment today was...a phone call from my sister. It wasn't a phone call that made me happy, I actually did more crying than anything, but the phone call from my sister told me she was thinking of me and loved me. That makes me happy. Also the 2 second thought I gave to the lovely view of fall made me VERY happy. But like I said, that lasted about 2 seconds. I would have loved to have dedicated more thought to the view of God's creations. I am happy to be in an area that has Autumn, the changing leaves, the skies that threaten of snow (though I do not care for snow I do LOVE clouds), autumn alone makes me snugly and warm. I am feeling better already just forcing myself to recall the good in my day! I shall continue! Another thing that brings me GREAT relief and joy is that I completed the 6th and 7th books in the Harry Potter series in 6 days (finished late last night). To complete both in 5 days, working a full time job and taking care of my family, required some mad crazy reading. I don't think I have ever read that insanely in my whole life. I finished one and immediately began the next. I read at every opportunity and way too late into the night! Even today my eyes and brain are so exhausted I find it difficult to focus. But I am through and that makes me happy. Now I can get back to my life.
I'd love to hear your happy moment for the day. Please share!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Read To a Child
I have been so busy the past few days. Not busy doing anything out of the ordinary, just abnormally busier than usual. I have decided to finally read #6 book in the Harry Potter series. So, when I am not busy with work or my family responsibilities I am reading that book, hence my abnormal business.
On Thursdays I have the opportunity to volunteer in my daughter's first grade class room. Today I left feeling a bit sad. The teacher is challenging the students to read 700 minutes the first quarter of school and will celebrate with a reading party at the end. The whole school has also started a reading challenge as well. The teacher has strategically placed numbered stars along side one wall of the room. As the children's reading minutes are tallied their named is moved to the numbered star that matches the minutes they have read. I am proud to announce that Emily has already read 750! Anyway, the point of my post tonight is the sadness I felt when looking at the names of the students and the number of minutes they were reading. There was a handful of students who had not even read 100 minutes. The vast majority had read anywhere from 200 - 300 minutes. There was one child who was not even on the wall. I am going to assume that this child's name was removed because of the upset mother I am going to tell you about in a little bit.
After looking at the wall for quite some time I mentioned to the teacher how sad it was (the kids were at recess). I said, "if the parents only new how important it is to read with their children every day". Before the beginning of school Kevin and I were doing the most of the reading to the kids. Since this challenge Emily has read anywhere from 30 - 45 minutes a day to us (broken up between morning and night). Her reading skills have improved dramatically since we have been doing more listening and less reading. We mix it up sometimes, I read a line, she reads a line. Or, I read a more difficult story, or the scriptures, and Emily follows along and jumps in when she recognizes words. The teachers response to my comments surprised me. She said, "I wish so bad you could have attended my parent meeting I held". When I asked her why she told me about one of the mothers. The mother was furious. She did not understand why she had to read to her child and thought it pointless. She proceeded to "lecture" the teacher on various "psychological" studies and reprimanded the teacher for even suggesting such a challenge. HOW ABSURD! The teacher had wanted me there to shared my opinion in rebuttal to this woman's.
Every week Emily came home from school and reported how much closer she was to earning the party. She looked forward to reading. And then one day she was just beaming and she shouted I have read 750 minutes! That means I earned the reading party!
Emily's classroom has a large percentage of children with various "issues", from poverty to learning disabilities. But the biggest disability these children have are parents as ignorant as this one mother who REFUSE! to read to their children. Whether their refusal is intentional or just plain ignorant neglect I do not know. But either way the child is the one who is suffering from the parents lack of interest in the child's educational well being. Shoot, even the parent is missing out. I love to read to my kids! I love the snuggle time, the adventure, the one on one time that I don't always get! What a horrible and vicious cycle it is for an under educated (even educated parents may neglect their child in this area due to lack of time) parent to continue to not show interest in their child's education. One comment recently sent home in the school's newsletter was to the parents telling them to read and let their children SEE them reading. What's that? Be an EXAMPLE? For so many children the example set for them is their parents watching TV, movies, playing video games, or just lounging around visiting with friends. These things are all fine to do. But if it is the only thing your child EVER sees you do then it becomes a problem rather than being a relaxing or enjoyable thing to do. I could even say that goes toward the example of hard work. My parents taught me about hard work. Even now I have a difficult time sometimes just being still.
Please, read to your children. Let them see you reading. Something I always tell my daughter is that she cannot do anything in her life unless she knows how to read. "You cannot read to your own kids. You cannot go on mental journeys or adventures. You cannot be a Zoo Keeper (Emily's most recent career desire)."
So, grab a book, grab a kid (yours, your sister's kid, your grand kid, your neighbor's kid), and go on an adventure together.
Speaking of books...check out my business web link found on the right column of my blog.
On Thursdays I have the opportunity to volunteer in my daughter's first grade class room. Today I left feeling a bit sad. The teacher is challenging the students to read 700 minutes the first quarter of school and will celebrate with a reading party at the end. The whole school has also started a reading challenge as well. The teacher has strategically placed numbered stars along side one wall of the room. As the children's reading minutes are tallied their named is moved to the numbered star that matches the minutes they have read. I am proud to announce that Emily has already read 750! Anyway, the point of my post tonight is the sadness I felt when looking at the names of the students and the number of minutes they were reading. There was a handful of students who had not even read 100 minutes. The vast majority had read anywhere from 200 - 300 minutes. There was one child who was not even on the wall. I am going to assume that this child's name was removed because of the upset mother I am going to tell you about in a little bit.
After looking at the wall for quite some time I mentioned to the teacher how sad it was (the kids were at recess). I said, "if the parents only new how important it is to read with their children every day". Before the beginning of school Kevin and I were doing the most of the reading to the kids. Since this challenge Emily has read anywhere from 30 - 45 minutes a day to us (broken up between morning and night). Her reading skills have improved dramatically since we have been doing more listening and less reading. We mix it up sometimes, I read a line, she reads a line. Or, I read a more difficult story, or the scriptures, and Emily follows along and jumps in when she recognizes words. The teachers response to my comments surprised me. She said, "I wish so bad you could have attended my parent meeting I held". When I asked her why she told me about one of the mothers. The mother was furious. She did not understand why she had to read to her child and thought it pointless. She proceeded to "lecture" the teacher on various "psychological" studies and reprimanded the teacher for even suggesting such a challenge. HOW ABSURD! The teacher had wanted me there to shared my opinion in rebuttal to this woman's.
Every week Emily came home from school and reported how much closer she was to earning the party. She looked forward to reading. And then one day she was just beaming and she shouted I have read 750 minutes! That means I earned the reading party!
Emily's classroom has a large percentage of children with various "issues", from poverty to learning disabilities. But the biggest disability these children have are parents as ignorant as this one mother who REFUSE! to read to their children. Whether their refusal is intentional or just plain ignorant neglect I do not know. But either way the child is the one who is suffering from the parents lack of interest in the child's educational well being. Shoot, even the parent is missing out. I love to read to my kids! I love the snuggle time, the adventure, the one on one time that I don't always get! What a horrible and vicious cycle it is for an under educated (even educated parents may neglect their child in this area due to lack of time) parent to continue to not show interest in their child's education. One comment recently sent home in the school's newsletter was to the parents telling them to read and let their children SEE them reading. What's that? Be an EXAMPLE? For so many children the example set for them is their parents watching TV, movies, playing video games, or just lounging around visiting with friends. These things are all fine to do. But if it is the only thing your child EVER sees you do then it becomes a problem rather than being a relaxing or enjoyable thing to do. I could even say that goes toward the example of hard work. My parents taught me about hard work. Even now I have a difficult time sometimes just being still.
Please, read to your children. Let them see you reading. Something I always tell my daughter is that she cannot do anything in her life unless she knows how to read. "You cannot read to your own kids. You cannot go on mental journeys or adventures. You cannot be a Zoo Keeper (Emily's most recent career desire)."
So, grab a book, grab a kid (yours, your sister's kid, your grand kid, your neighbor's kid), and go on an adventure together.
Speaking of books...check out my business web link found on the right column of my blog.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Laughter is THE best medicine
Just thought I would give you your daily dose of medicine!
This was filmed over a year ago. It is too precious to keep to myself. I hope you all laugh every time you see it, just as I do. I will watch it whenever I feel too serious and grumpy. You have to watch it more than once to truly appreciate the craziness of it. This video is of course titled Crazy Animals.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Blessings in Disguise
Yesterday I read an article about being more happy, laughing, and enjoying life. I thought to myself upon completion of the article "Suzanna, you could stand to be a little less serious all the time. Relax, have fun, enjoy your 'youth' (or what's left of it I thought)". So, just before leaving for work I recalled this vow of being more fun and less serious. I took a brief moment to goof off with my kids. We were doing somersaults and I decided to teach them to do a backward one. Not such a hot idea for someone of my age to go do! I have decided that it is not such a hot thing for any age to do one of those crazy things. Seriously what on earth possessed me to do one? I hadn't done one since probably 12, I can't believe I thought I was in any kind of good condition to do one at 31! So, upon completion of this insane move I was in incredible pain. I quickly rubbed on my neck and shoulders, giving enough relief to convince myself to go to work anyway. Unfortunately over the next 3 hours my condition worsened to the point of my left arm going numb and deep breathing was all I could do to keep from crying every time I answered the phone at work. I went and cried to my boss that I couldn't do it anymore, and I just had to leave. She recommended a chiropractor to me, the place stayed open an extra hour just for me. I was in worse shape than I thought. He laid me on a table to do some tests and when he was finished he helped raise me up and I almost blacked out. He was very concerned and at first felt I should go to the ER. He was worried about a slipped disk or torn artery. Just my luck! When he told me that I had a serious panic attack. Which needless to say did not help the light headiness at all. So, I calmed down and he consulted with another doctor. They both felt it would be alright to proceed there with x-rays and if anything in them alarmed them they would send me to the ER. The x-rays were worse than I could have ever imagined. Nothing the Dr. felt needed ER attention. That was a huge relief, I don't have insurance at the moment and we could not afford a $5000 ER trip, that is what brought on my attack.
Just over 10 years ago I had a really bad four wheeling accident in Colorado. It was just 2 months before I was to go on a mission for my church. I refused to be taken to the ER for fear of being rejected the opportunity to serve a mission. I never even went to the doctor. At the time my hands were what was in the worst shape, yes, I hurt all over but my hands were swollen and black and badly cut up. No other injuries were apparent to me at the time. Almost 2 years ago I was having a lot of back pain. I couldn't twist turn or even sleep with out pain. If I sat for too long I became stiff as a board and had to lay down to relieve the pain. I couldn't stand it any longer so I visited the doctor and they took x-rays of my back. I had arthritis on my spine, right smack in the middle of my back...T12. The Dr. asked me how on earth I managed to do that at my age in such an odd location. So, the effects of my accident years before were beginning to be more apparent. My hands have outwardly healed, but at times, especially in the cold, they hurt at the wrists and lifting becomes painful. They put me on all sorts of drugs for my back because the stiffness in the morning and the pain the rest of the day began to interfere with my routine. And then one day I talked to him about all the drugs and I asked him what I could do instead of all the dope. So, from then on the pills were flushed and I rarely have the pain since.
So, back to my neck. After my mission I visited a chiropractor I had worked for years before my mission. He took some x-rays and asked me if I had been in an accident because my neck looked like I had whiplash. I then told him all about the accident 2 years prior. He chastised me for not getting it checked out sooner. I saw that Dr once. I had not been back to see anyone for my neck until last night. When I saw the x-rays last night I was reminded of the accident once again, except this time the x-rays were much worse. The Dr. said he had only seen two other x-rays even close to being as bad as mine. My neck had gotten worse since the visit 8 years ago. It wasn't has bad as it could have been but it was definitely in need of serious attention. I was actually quite scared when I first saw the x-ray, I thought, "how on earth did that happen to my neck?" It really freaked me out. I have an opposite curve to my neck and all sorts of other misalignment's throughout my shoulders. No wonder I have been so uncomfortable lately. I couldn't even lift my head upward without discomfort, before the somersault injury. I had also been experiencing off and on numbness in my left arm. As you can probably tell, I tend to neglect my body. So, again my accident and failure to get medical attention has come back to haunt me.
Today Kevin and I went back for another adjustment and to talk about a plan. When we decided to go with the fix rather than the "band aid" we were given an estimated cost. Remember back to a few posts ago I mentioned getting an eye exam for Lasik? Well, I decided against it for now. For some reason it was all wrong. I did not understand why. But now I do. The chiro. bill is the exact same as the Lasik bill would have been. Kevin and I both just looked at each other and could not believe what a huge blessing this has all been. First, I canceled the eye surgery, every time I thought about it I felt incredibly uneasy. Second, I do a silly somersault, causing incredible pain, and thus going to the chiropractor to fix my neck before arthritis could set in on it, just like my back. I know it sounds odd to be grateful for the pain I am in, but if I had let my neck go and never get attention I would end up with bone spurs just like on my back. I regret not having gotten medical attention a decade ago, but like they say, "better late than never".
Just over 10 years ago I had a really bad four wheeling accident in Colorado. It was just 2 months before I was to go on a mission for my church. I refused to be taken to the ER for fear of being rejected the opportunity to serve a mission. I never even went to the doctor. At the time my hands were what was in the worst shape, yes, I hurt all over but my hands were swollen and black and badly cut up. No other injuries were apparent to me at the time. Almost 2 years ago I was having a lot of back pain. I couldn't twist turn or even sleep with out pain. If I sat for too long I became stiff as a board and had to lay down to relieve the pain. I couldn't stand it any longer so I visited the doctor and they took x-rays of my back. I had arthritis on my spine, right smack in the middle of my back...T12. The Dr. asked me how on earth I managed to do that at my age in such an odd location. So, the effects of my accident years before were beginning to be more apparent. My hands have outwardly healed, but at times, especially in the cold, they hurt at the wrists and lifting becomes painful. They put me on all sorts of drugs for my back because the stiffness in the morning and the pain the rest of the day began to interfere with my routine. And then one day I talked to him about all the drugs and I asked him what I could do instead of all the dope. So, from then on the pills were flushed and I rarely have the pain since.
So, back to my neck. After my mission I visited a chiropractor I had worked for years before my mission. He took some x-rays and asked me if I had been in an accident because my neck looked like I had whiplash. I then told him all about the accident 2 years prior. He chastised me for not getting it checked out sooner. I saw that Dr once. I had not been back to see anyone for my neck until last night. When I saw the x-rays last night I was reminded of the accident once again, except this time the x-rays were much worse. The Dr. said he had only seen two other x-rays even close to being as bad as mine. My neck had gotten worse since the visit 8 years ago. It wasn't has bad as it could have been but it was definitely in need of serious attention. I was actually quite scared when I first saw the x-ray, I thought, "how on earth did that happen to my neck?" It really freaked me out. I have an opposite curve to my neck and all sorts of other misalignment's throughout my shoulders. No wonder I have been so uncomfortable lately. I couldn't even lift my head upward without discomfort, before the somersault injury. I had also been experiencing off and on numbness in my left arm. As you can probably tell, I tend to neglect my body. So, again my accident and failure to get medical attention has come back to haunt me.
Today Kevin and I went back for another adjustment and to talk about a plan. When we decided to go with the fix rather than the "band aid" we were given an estimated cost. Remember back to a few posts ago I mentioned getting an eye exam for Lasik? Well, I decided against it for now. For some reason it was all wrong. I did not understand why. But now I do. The chiro. bill is the exact same as the Lasik bill would have been. Kevin and I both just looked at each other and could not believe what a huge blessing this has all been. First, I canceled the eye surgery, every time I thought about it I felt incredibly uneasy. Second, I do a silly somersault, causing incredible pain, and thus going to the chiropractor to fix my neck before arthritis could set in on it, just like my back. I know it sounds odd to be grateful for the pain I am in, but if I had let my neck go and never get attention I would end up with bone spurs just like on my back. I regret not having gotten medical attention a decade ago, but like they say, "better late than never".
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Work in Progress


It is slowly coming together. I figure by the time we move it will be complete and then I get to start all over again. So, here is my request from you readers...any homemade ideas to add to this work in progress? It could be OUR project!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Shoe Update
Just a few weeks since my post on shoes and I feel like a new person. I am not saying that going for those ugly black shoes five days a week has become easy or enjoyable, but I certainly put them on with a new appreciation and outlook on my position in life right now. I even find my drive to work more pleasant and I certainly enjoy the quiet. I used to drive to work listening to something on the radio, now I have silence, and I so need the silence. I appreciate the silence. I plan my days more wisely and fill them to the brim. Since the post on shoes my schedule has also changed. I used to have Friday and Saturday off, now I have Sunday and Monday off and I must say that getting Sunday off has also made a huge difference in the rest of my week. I feel like I have more time. I also get to actually relax, which doesn't happen too often. I must put in my "day of rest" speech. I am so grateful to have that commandment. I cannot imagine life with out a day of rest. I cannot imagine going every single day of my life without Sunday, attending church, being at home without pressure of doing some chore or something, taking a nap, reading uplifting books, and listening to my children play quiet games and do puzzles. There is no other day in all of my week that compares to my Sabbath Day.
My friend Rena and I now get together on Mondays to scrapbook, which also wasn't happening before the schedule change. We also squeeze in some riding on Fridays before I head to work. I love being able to do things I enjoy. Life seems more enjoyable and also endurable (is that a word?), when I am able to relax and be with my friends and my family. Sadly I had not been able to make friends since I had moved here, my schedule and lack of vehicle, prevented me from meeting anyone. It just so happened mine and Rena's daughter were in the same class at church and begged for a play date, and since then Rena has been a dear friend and has helped me to find happiness outside just my family.
So, I am much happier in my shoes, whatever shoes I may be wearing!
My friend Rena and I now get together on Mondays to scrapbook, which also wasn't happening before the schedule change. We also squeeze in some riding on Fridays before I head to work. I love being able to do things I enjoy. Life seems more enjoyable and also endurable (is that a word?), when I am able to relax and be with my friends and my family. Sadly I had not been able to make friends since I had moved here, my schedule and lack of vehicle, prevented me from meeting anyone. It just so happened mine and Rena's daughter were in the same class at church and begged for a play date, and since then Rena has been a dear friend and has helped me to find happiness outside just my family.
So, I am much happier in my shoes, whatever shoes I may be wearing!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Wrong Choices
I am really allergic to cats. They make my eyes itch like mad, my nose run, and I get all sneezy. When I was a kid I didn't care too much. I loved animals and spent a lot of time with my cat and all the kittens she had over the years of having her. I just knew I could go wash my hands and face real good and change my cloths and I would be OK. Well as I have gotten older I have realized that it was rather silly to continue to torture myself all for a cat! I have since then avoided cats. Even now if I am in the presence of someone who has a cat I have an attack. Kevin and Emily are too allergic to cats. Emily actually starts wheezing and gets hives and swelling if she has contact with the cat or its "home", we learned the scary way how allergic she is.
Lately there has been this cat lingering around our apartment, I am not sure if he is a stray or just a neglected neighbor. I usually stomp my feet, shew it away or say something mean toward it. I have other reasons for not liking cats anymore, but ultimately it stems from them making me incredibly uncomfortable (allergies). So, this morning the girls and I went outside to go to school and here was this cat sitting on our front porch waiting to get who knows what from me. Lydia, my youngest, proceeds to stamp her foot, shew it, and call it a "stinking cat" which obviously has come out of my mouth a time or two. I was immediately humbled. I felt bad that I had been such a bad example to my children in regards to God's creatures, allergy causing or not. I apologized to my girls for teaching them the wrong way to treat cats. I informed them that we should not treat animals that way and that the only reason I do it is because they give me allergies. But, we should still be kind to them. So, to show my daughters that they are not "bad" so to say, or "stinking" in my words, I sat on the step and rubbed the cats ears and under his chin. I felt sad for the cat, he seemed to be starving for affection and possibly even food. It wasn't the first time I felt compassion on a cat recently. While riding bikes back from dropping Emily off at school I have been noticing a particular cat pacing around a drive way of a house that recently went for sale. This cat continues every day to pace around the driveway and even runs up to the door of the vacant house. It seemed to me that the previous owners of the home had abandoned the poor creature. I went to it trying to comfort the animal, he ran off terrified. I felt really sad for him and angry at the humans who left him behind.
So, after petting the cat a bit I told Lydia that we had contaminated our hands and we needed to go and scrub them. No joke just in a matter of minutes of returning inside and properly cleansing my hands my eyes, nose and throat began to be uncomfortably itchy. Lydia and I were sitting on the floor playing an ABC game (which by the way can be purchased on my website!) and I told her that I made a wrong choice by petting that cat. She says to me, "see Mom, even grown ups make wrong choices sometimes!?" So, my sweet 5 year old daughter taught me a lesson. Yes, grown ups do make wrong choices sometimes and we have to correct our mistakes...by washing our hands, changing our cloths, and promising never to do it again. The interesting thing that caught my attention is this, even after I had taken the necessary steps to "fix" my wrong choice of petting the cat I still felt the effects of the cat long after I had "repented". Isn't that interesting. I took an allergy pill to receive some relief and since I have not even thought about the discomfort associated with the cat.
This little experience is exactly like accepting the atonement of Christ. It is like taking the allergy pill. Jesus takes away our pain and discomfort...if we go to him and accept Him, and repent, then our wrong choices (sins) are forgiven and we no longer feel the effects of the (sins).
Those "stinkin'" cats! I sure am grateful for allergy medication!
Lately there has been this cat lingering around our apartment, I am not sure if he is a stray or just a neglected neighbor. I usually stomp my feet, shew it away or say something mean toward it. I have other reasons for not liking cats anymore, but ultimately it stems from them making me incredibly uncomfortable (allergies). So, this morning the girls and I went outside to go to school and here was this cat sitting on our front porch waiting to get who knows what from me. Lydia, my youngest, proceeds to stamp her foot, shew it, and call it a "stinking cat" which obviously has come out of my mouth a time or two. I was immediately humbled. I felt bad that I had been such a bad example to my children in regards to God's creatures, allergy causing or not. I apologized to my girls for teaching them the wrong way to treat cats. I informed them that we should not treat animals that way and that the only reason I do it is because they give me allergies. But, we should still be kind to them. So, to show my daughters that they are not "bad" so to say, or "stinking" in my words, I sat on the step and rubbed the cats ears and under his chin. I felt sad for the cat, he seemed to be starving for affection and possibly even food. It wasn't the first time I felt compassion on a cat recently. While riding bikes back from dropping Emily off at school I have been noticing a particular cat pacing around a drive way of a house that recently went for sale. This cat continues every day to pace around the driveway and even runs up to the door of the vacant house. It seemed to me that the previous owners of the home had abandoned the poor creature. I went to it trying to comfort the animal, he ran off terrified. I felt really sad for him and angry at the humans who left him behind.
So, after petting the cat a bit I told Lydia that we had contaminated our hands and we needed to go and scrub them. No joke just in a matter of minutes of returning inside and properly cleansing my hands my eyes, nose and throat began to be uncomfortably itchy. Lydia and I were sitting on the floor playing an ABC game (which by the way can be purchased on my website!) and I told her that I made a wrong choice by petting that cat. She says to me, "see Mom, even grown ups make wrong choices sometimes!?" So, my sweet 5 year old daughter taught me a lesson. Yes, grown ups do make wrong choices sometimes and we have to correct our mistakes...by washing our hands, changing our cloths, and promising never to do it again. The interesting thing that caught my attention is this, even after I had taken the necessary steps to "fix" my wrong choice of petting the cat I still felt the effects of the cat long after I had "repented". Isn't that interesting. I took an allergy pill to receive some relief and since I have not even thought about the discomfort associated with the cat.
This little experience is exactly like accepting the atonement of Christ. It is like taking the allergy pill. Jesus takes away our pain and discomfort...if we go to him and accept Him, and repent, then our wrong choices (sins) are forgiven and we no longer feel the effects of the (sins).
Those "stinkin'" cats! I sure am grateful for allergy medication!
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