I just returned from my first book club EVER! What a wonderful sort of club. Why have I not been a part of one sooner? The book was called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I read it last night and this morning. Quick read, but really enlightening. Half the group liked the book the other half did not. It is a parable of sorts. I enjoyed looking for the applications to real life. I also enjoyed the many "pearls of wisdom" throughout the book. I actually took notes because my copy of the book, which I bought, had not arrived yet and I was panicking about not having read the book so I called the hostess and asked to borrow her copy. Because it was a loaned copy I didn't want to make little marks and such. I will reread the book and mark as I please. I do that with my scriptures. The book is absolutely nothing compared to scripture but the message in the book and the pearls of wisdom are definitely of a spiritual note. I found myself reading and learning a lot about myself. Funny how parables have a way of doing just that. Maybe that is why I enjoy that sort of story so much. I so seldom stop and take a close look at myself that it was much needed to take a time out and do a check on Suzanna. Boy am I off course on my "personal legend" (you need to read the book).
So, I am restless this evening and finding it difficult to stop my mind from continually running. As you can tell from the lapse in my posting I have had "writer's block". I have 3 major enjoyments, Reading, Writing, and Scrapbooking. All three of them I have had recent "blocks" in. I am now out of my "reader's block" and have at least 3 books bookmarked, I am now into a "scrapbooker's block", just so busy reading in my brief summer free minutes there is no creative power to scrapbook, and FINALLY I am out of my writer's block. I haven't been on here in so long because I felt it pointless to come on and write when my mind just was not coming up with anything to write. I enjoy writing very much. But I that if my thoughts are not REALLY interesting it is not worth it to waste cyberspace's space with my ramblings. Like now for instance.
So, I am glad to be back. It feels good. To be honest several times I found myself longing to come here. I thought almost daily, "what can I think up today to write on my blog?" And nothing would come. It seems that since summer time brings kids home from school my time, talents, and whole interests are keeping them entertained. Don't get me wrong, it has been a very fun summer, especially compared to last year. I just don't know what has happened to my creative thinking skills.
I have been reading a wonderful book called Jesus the Christ, and I am continually having thoughts on that book, but then my day gets busy and fail to come and write about them. In regards to parables I have been studying some of Jesus' various parables and they are so wonderful. I am really gaining a great love for Him. He teaches in the way that I am teachable. I am such a visual learner, a picture can paint a thousand words, well, I think that words can also paint a thousand pictures.
Well, this is lovely way to come back....RAMBLING. I am so tired from my long night and morning and reading. I just need to free my mind and then I can sleep.
So, to end this lovely ramble session I will give you one of my favorite quotes from the recent READ..."People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don't deserve them, or that they'll be unable to achieve them".
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
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