Saturday, September 26, 2009

What kind of seeds are you planting?

Last night I attended a free class about creating abundance in your life. The instructor used the parable of the sower to instruct us on how to get the most out of life. The class did not discuss marriage, but I had a light bulb moment and must share it with you.

I frequently have something along the lines of "you are..." directed at my husband (and not usually pleasant or uplifting). My husband responds with "OK", or "If that is the way you want it". Of course that isn't OK or the way I want it. It is my female way of saying knock it off or I can't handle what you are doing. I realize it is not the best way to approach a man (or anyone for that matter), but when upset it is hard to think any other way. The light bulb moment was this...My husband was not trying to frustrate me further. He was simply trying to please me and be the way he thought I wanted him to be. Now why on earth would he think I want him to be (...)? I am reaping what I sow. I plant in him names or labels and that is what he will become. My new goal is to stop labeling; stop sowing bad seeds in my husband and start planting with love and tenderness the seeds he is worthy of.

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