Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Peanut Butter Cookies

It is amazing what greeting your man at the door with fresh home baked peanut butter cookies and a big squeeze can do for your own heart! My husband has what I will call from now on CARD (Critical Anal Retentive Disorder). His "made-up" (by me and partially him) disorder was no less extreme than usual last night, but my reaction to it was lets say, less intense! I cannot let my husband have all the fun with a "made-up" disorder. So, now for my "made-up" disorder...UIFD (Unbalanced Intense Female Disorder). I tried so hard to come up with a funny acronym! My husband and I have found that laughing at our "disorders" is far better than taking them too seriously.

Well, today will make day two on this journey. Who would have thought Peanut butter cookies could have so much power! Anyone need a cookie?

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