Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thoughts on LIFE

These films are heart wrenching, obviously the goal of the makers of the videos. In all sincerity I have difficulty forming words to fully describe my thoughts and feelings on the issues that we face. The first thought that came to my mind is that we are America, Home of the Free. My opinion of freedom is based on my limited knowledge of the founding of this country and upon scripture. This land, America, is a gift. A place where we can exercise religious freedom. Freedom to worship God and freedom to obey His commandments the way He intended them to be, rather than the way man wants them to be followed. So, Where is the freedom? In the begining God set up laws and when He was through specifying those laws He said that we were free to choose for ourselves, and that there would be a consequence for whatever it was we chose. Something I teach my daughters is that we always have a choice and with every single choice we make there will be a consequence, that consequence will be either good or bad. I have great fear and sadness for anyone who chooses against God's law. I have difficulty even at this time finding words to express what pain I feel.

I read this morning about Christ hanging on the cross for You, Me, and every other person who ever lived or will live on this earth. While He hung in the most excrutiating agony He remained silent as non believers mocked and tormented Him further. His pain was unimaginable! Can you even begin to comprehend it? Not only was He suffering physical pain beyond any thing that a mortal has ever gone through, but he is suffering in his soul! For ALL of us. He knew this day would come. When I think of the sin in this world now and the Hell that our world will become with certain laws that may be passed or individuals who may become our so called leaders, I think of One Greater than us all. I think of what pain He continues to go through even to this day. I think of those innocent human lives being taken. Children of a loving Father in Heaven being tossed aside with the garbage, being left to die a miserable and lonely death. The corruption of our society! The thoughtlessness of God's power! He will not stand for such evil ways! But as angry, confused and wracked as I may feel I am reminded of what Jesus said just before dying, "Forgive them, they know not what they do". I can't help but wonder if "they" truly don't know what they do. Then again, Judas didn't fully know what he had done until it was too late, Satan already had a strong hold on him, and in the end took his life.

To the people who make such decisions that will not only effect unborn children of God but also those living, those desiring to keep Families in the units that God intended them to be, I pray for you. I pray for this country and those voting. I pray for humility that I forget not the ways of God, not to mention His great power.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't going to watch the video. Wondered if it would be disturbing... Of course I went ahead and decided to listen. I popped the headphones on and heard all of maybe the first sentence (it had already been rolling a second or 2 when I got the phones on). I have to say, I quickly riped them off. I can't stand hearing any part of that. It makes me literally sick. Dad started to ask me the other day if he sent me a video/e-mail about it. I told him no, and please don't. He then of course proceeded to tell me about it all anyway. I don't think he realized how serious I was about it. I had nightmares in the past about things like this when I was told about it years ago. How sick and wicked can people get? I am speaking of those that perform the act of course. I read an amazing article in the October Ensign about the sanctity of life. It was so amazing. I would love to send THAT to all the politicians and people that participate in it. If only they would be touched with the Spirit and know of it's truthfulness. I guess I can say that I am impressed with those that can stomach the information on the video and not get extremely emotional and angry. I am not one. I appreciate your thoughts and testimony on it Suzanna. It is such an important issue.


Suzanna said...

Thank you for your feed back. I was literally gushing tears. My eyes wouldn't stop leaking. I too wish I could almost be Samuel the Lamanite and get on a wall and shot it to all people.