That time of year when cheep O' photographers make their attempt at taking your child's photo has come and gone. Boy does it bring back memories! I'd probably forgot about those moments with some stranger in my face telling me to turn or lift my head or do this or that, if I didn't have the evidance to prove the awkwardness of the moment. These young school days for my daughters do bring back a funny memory that does not involve wierd photographers.
It was the beginning of 5th grade, my parents had just uprooted our family again and moved us to a new city. I had decided that this new town and school was going to be the best experience of my life, I was a new girl in a new place. The night before the first day of school I dreamed of what the first day would be like. This is how it went...
Dressed in the most amazing "rock star" outfit I could pull off I walked up to the double doors of the elementary school, two men in black suits awaited my arrival and as I approached them they held the doors open for me. Just with in the doors the principal stood with micraphone in hand, students lining the hall clapping and cheering, the principle announced, "Welcome Suzy! Our new super star student!" I walked down the line of students smiling and giving a high five to out stretched hands eagerly awaiting a touch of my hand.
Hahahaha! I crack myself up! Think it came true?
No way... did not come true. You had me going for a minute though! Now that we are coming up on a PCS move, I am nervous for my kids to start the school year with new kids & a new class. I wish that is how it was, it would help me feel more at ease about it all.
I can't believe how big emily and Lydia are. They are sooo cute. I really miss you guys around here!
We miss you guys more! The girls wish to play with your children! Can they come over?
Good one Suzanna! I am your sister and you had me going for a second too. I thought, "why on Earth would there be 2 men in suits holding the door for you at that pow-dunk school?" One maybe, but 2? That was a fun dream you had. Too bad it probably didn't even come close. I know my first day, at the new school, in a new town (actually that whole year), definitely differed from your dream.
Uh, yeah. That's why I said with such sarcasm, "Think it came true?" No, my experience was complete opposite. I was telling Em and Lyd a couple stories the other day while in the car. They had asked me why I was so quiet. I told them I was day dreaming of when I was in the 5th grade. Don't know why but I was.
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