Thursday, October 30, 2008

My YW Personal Progress 10 hour Project

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thoughts on LIFE

These films are heart wrenching, obviously the goal of the makers of the videos. In all sincerity I have difficulty forming words to fully describe my thoughts and feelings on the issues that we face. The first thought that came to my mind is that we are America, Home of the Free. My opinion of freedom is based on my limited knowledge of the founding of this country and upon scripture. This land, America, is a gift. A place where we can exercise religious freedom. Freedom to worship God and freedom to obey His commandments the way He intended them to be, rather than the way man wants them to be followed. So, Where is the freedom? In the begining God set up laws and when He was through specifying those laws He said that we were free to choose for ourselves, and that there would be a consequence for whatever it was we chose. Something I teach my daughters is that we always have a choice and with every single choice we make there will be a consequence, that consequence will be either good or bad. I have great fear and sadness for anyone who chooses against God's law. I have difficulty even at this time finding words to express what pain I feel.

I read this morning about Christ hanging on the cross for You, Me, and every other person who ever lived or will live on this earth. While He hung in the most excrutiating agony He remained silent as non believers mocked and tormented Him further. His pain was unimaginable! Can you even begin to comprehend it? Not only was He suffering physical pain beyond any thing that a mortal has ever gone through, but he is suffering in his soul! For ALL of us. He knew this day would come. When I think of the sin in this world now and the Hell that our world will become with certain laws that may be passed or individuals who may become our so called leaders, I think of One Greater than us all. I think of what pain He continues to go through even to this day. I think of those innocent human lives being taken. Children of a loving Father in Heaven being tossed aside with the garbage, being left to die a miserable and lonely death. The corruption of our society! The thoughtlessness of God's power! He will not stand for such evil ways! But as angry, confused and wracked as I may feel I am reminded of what Jesus said just before dying, "Forgive them, they know not what they do". I can't help but wonder if "they" truly don't know what they do. Then again, Judas didn't fully know what he had done until it was too late, Satan already had a strong hold on him, and in the end took his life.

To the people who make such decisions that will not only effect unborn children of God but also those living, those desiring to keep Families in the units that God intended them to be, I pray for you. I pray for this country and those voting. I pray for humility that I forget not the ways of God, not to mention His great power.

Monday, October 20, 2008

weekend weirdness

Saturday I went shopping at Jo Ann Fabrics for some odd items for these super adorable bags I am making for Christmas gifts, I will post them when complete. I found myself staring blankly at some beaded stuff and was in serious need of an opinion. My girls would not be much help, they were distracted by the Halloween costume display. I noticed a nice looking woman not too far away and thought she a perfect victim to get an opinion from. The woman looked at me like was going to attack her or something. I said, "I am having a hard time choosing beads for this bag, what do you think?" Her eyes widened a bit and hesitatingly she says, "uh, maybe that one", that was when I noticed her backing a few inches away. I replied with, "Seriously, I can't make a decision for the life of me! Please tell me honestly, which do you think would be better?" Again I get the, "uh, maybe that one". Emily came up at that point and she jumps in with "I like that other one better". I turned to her and said, "Thanks, I agree!" The other woman then says, "uh, yeah that one works too." She was NO help at all. I seriously think she thought I would like stab her or something if she was caught disagreeing with me. OK, so do I look like a terrorist? Oh wait! Can I say that on the Internet? Oh well, anyway, the woman was so weird!

Within minutes I still stood alone at the rack of beads and such and still was mowing over another decision. Not even two feet away stood two of the oddest, yet beautiful, woman you'd ever see in a fabric store! They both had dreads to their waists, tattoos on their arms, funky hippie skirts, purple bangs with beads tied onto some locks of dread, piercings on their faces, and I over heard some of the oddest conversation, like their children's names which all seemed to start with the letter Z and how they found it difficult to home school their kids while the husband was home for fear he would jump on themselves. Anyway, these women would normally be intimidating to people. Nope, not me! I walked right up with my bags and choices, I found them rather friendly and fascinating! I said, "excuse me. I am having THE hardest time choosing. Which one do you think would look better with this bag. I thought this fringe would look best with the bohemian style handle of this bag. What do you think?" The taller and more beautiful one said, "I love the fringe. You were a flapper girl in your previous life weren't you?" I laughed and said, "Why yes I was!" The remainder of our time in that store was spent in the presence of those two women. Honestly, they were the two nicest people I have ever met in this city! They didn't question my friendliness toward them, they didn't look at me strangely or with fear for their lives.

Isn't it interesting how we look at a person and judge them wrongly? So next time you jump to conclusions on someones appearance remember that it is most likely the "normal" looking person who is most likely the "abnormal" human. Ya, so who's to say what "normal" is anyway?

Food for thought I guess.

school days

That time of year when cheep O' photographers make their attempt at taking your child's photo has come and gone. Boy does it bring back memories! I'd probably forgot about those moments with some stranger in my face telling me to turn or lift my head or do this or that, if I didn't have the evidance to prove the awkwardness of the moment. These young school days for my daughters do bring back a funny memory that does not involve wierd photographers.

It was the beginning of 5th grade, my parents had just uprooted our family again and moved us to a new city. I had decided that this new town and school was going to be the best experience of my life, I was a new girl in a new place. The night before the first day of school I dreamed of what the first day would be like. This is how it went...

Dressed in the most amazing "rock star" outfit I could pull off I walked up to the double doors of the elementary school, two men in black suits awaited my arrival and as I approached them they held the doors open for me. Just with in the doors the principal stood with micraphone in hand, students lining the hall clapping and cheering, the principle announced, "Welcome Suzy! Our new super star student!" I walked down the line of students smiling and giving a high five to out stretched hands eagerly awaiting a touch of my hand.

Hahahaha! I crack myself up! Think it came true?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Last Supper and The Garden of Gethsemane

My heart is full, full of sadness, sorrow, and even joy. This morning, in my reading of Jesus the Christ, I have finally made it to the account of The Last Supper and the Betrayal.

In reading of the apostles and their weakness and even, I think, stupidity at times, I wonder how I compare. In Christ's serving them they questioned and wondered, he spoke and they understood not, He prayed and they thought blankly with no understanding. How often has He spoken to me, through the Prophets and the Holy Ghost, and I sat blankly in a stupor, questioning the reality of the message? How often have I disregarded the message and chose disobedience and misery over the blessings that come from obedience? How often have I been weak and stupid?

Jesus asked the three apostles who attended Him to the Garden of Gathsemane "What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation" and then he added, "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

How often I have felt this! My spirit yearning in great love to remain "awake" and be watchful and prayerful for His great return, but my weakness lies in my flesh succombing to temptation, and yes even falling asleep...spiritually and physically. The price He paid for me makes that pain that much more of a reality. But what joy fills my heart with the great and undoubting testimony that Jesus Christ lived and died for me. In moder-day scripture, found in Doctrine and Covenants section 19 verses 16-19 we read, "For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent, but if they would not repent, they must suffer even as I, which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit: and would that I might not drink the bitter cup and shrink - nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finishsed my preparations unto the children of men." My heart is drawn to the words regarding repentance. Christ suffered so that if I repent I will be free from the pain of sin, but if I repent not I will suffer even as He did. My mind cannot even comprehend the pain He felt! I have felt pain for my sins, but nothing in comparison for what He felt.

I love my Savior. I am nothing without Him. What darkness would engulf me without the knowledge and love I have for Him and His gospel!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Jesus' Parables

In my reading of Jesus the Christ I recently studied 3 different parables taught by the great Teacher. Found in Matthew chapter 25 we read about 3 very important lessons that are taught in a way that will be remembered and applied. That is one reason I love Jesus. He teaches in such a way that I am able to visualize myself into His teachings and it is easy to see how it applies to me.

These 3 parables are in a chronological order that makes me think that it was done on purpose. If you take each parable you will see my thinking as well.

First Jesus tells the parable of the 10 Virgins. The message: Watch and Be Prepared. Then he tells the parable of the Entrusted Talents. The message: Take what he has given us and multiply it. The final parable, to me, wraps it all together; it is the parable of the dividing of the sheep from the goats. The message: Judgement at the last days.

I know that a thorough study of Christ's teachings, both within the Bible and the Book of Mormon, will not only prepare us for this life but the life to come. Being ever watchful for His return, doing all within our power to prepare both spiritually and physically for His return, taking the talents He has bestowed upon each of us so graciously and not only adding upon them in quantity but in quality as well, and then when He comes again and calls us to His presence we will be able to stand before Him good and faithful servants on His right side.

It is my greatest prayer and hope that all may come to this knowledge so that when He comes again we may each receive our reward.