I am so sick of this blog. I don't even want to come in here. The layout grosses me out, the colors, the feel, the words. I am still totally into food and taking pictures of my food, I am just bored with sharing it. I want to write, but I have not thoughts! I am still a wife and working on perfecting my wifery skills. I am still a mother and have ridiculously hilarious encounters with my kids. (This dumb statistics class I am taking is sucking all mental thought right out of my brain!) And then I ask myself.."What is all this for anyway?"
I need a boost, a pick me up. Anyone out there still reading? If so, what say ye? Does suez world need an overhaul? If so, where, what? I think I am having a case of bloggers blah!
Bloggers Blah defined: One who blogs yet has a moment of boredom (even a stupor of thought) regarding all things associated with blogging.
Yes, I read your blog and I enjoy it. But I am a little more interested in your day to day life of you and the kids. I understand some people like to keep their privacy, but I haven't seen many pictures of your girls. Also, what's life like in Idaho? There are many of us who have never lived there and would like to experience the beauty through your eyes. Hope this inspires you to keep blogging!
Thank you Tina. I have thought about going back to family oriented blogging, photos, such like stuff. But I read once from a church leader to use our blogs as an opportunity to share the gospel. Several of my beginning posts were very spiritually thought provoking, thus I have made my blog accessible to the world. I have not changed the security preferences so, the whole world can still view my blog, therefore, no personal family related things. I will consider going back to personal. Thank you for your feedback.
I see what you mean about the family concerns, we are tempted to make the private change ourselves. But I agree, that the little one is what consumes my thoughts and actions so that is what I write about. You could write about what you encounter as a mother, wife, sister, daughter etc and just leave the names and pictures out. For those of us who know your family it would be fun to read and try to guess what each reflection goes with. You'll figure it out!!! Love you, Sue!
Great post! Tnx.
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