I have an interesting analogy today. Today's message at church was a unique tribute to mothers, talks were given on Adversity. Oddly enough it is true. My good friend gave a wonderful message about facing adversity and coming out stronger and more faithful. She is a wonderful example and I only hope that I can become half of what she is.
So, my thought is rather pathetic but it is real none the less. I was lying in bed momentarily after church and said to my sympathetic husband "I feel like a dehydrated carrot", SNORE (Kevin was asleep beside me).
As I sat listening to the amazing message presented by my friend, who I happen to admire a great deal, I began to think about the adversity I have faced and whether I learned everything I should have learned, did I really grow from it. I then noticed the woman within my peripheral vision, all of which are amazing women! I had high regard for each of them and the respect I had for each of them was huge, each in a different way! So, while I was laying in my bed reflecting on these amazing women I oddly thought of a really good vegetable soup. All of these women were like the amazing delicious ingredients in the soup. Vegetable soup would not be the same if any vegetable was missing.
And here I was feeling rather inadequate among such amazing ingredients, realized I was a dehydrated carrot that was thrown into the soup. If only I could rehydrate myself and become just as amazing as the fresh potato or home grown pea.
I understand that was not my friend's intent, to make me feel like a dehydrated carrot. I certainly left the meeting thinking to myself, half conversing with God, and asking "Have I sufficiently learned?" If I had I wouldn't be asking that, right?
I want to be a fresh, home grown, organic carrot. But seen as how I am not I will make the best of this "soup" and through the process of being stirred and simmered, maybe I can soak up some of the soup's goodness and flavor. So, although I was originally thrown in as a dehydrated carrot, maybe in the end it will seem as though I was just as fresh and homegrown as all the other amazing ingredients and no one will ever know the difference.
First of all, you are a goof... dehydrated carrot! Second, I think if you WEREN'T wondering if you have learned, then that would be a problem. Shouldn't we always be working for, striving for better? Learn from the other "ingredients" around you and enjoy what you might offer to them as well.
I sadly don't recall much of our meeting. I think one talk was on adversity. I was so focused on Caleb as he gave his first talk (actually scripture reciting) that after that my mind just left. The kids started fussing with each other. I was concerned about what Mom would think of it (she was sitting in front of us cause Dad was home) and couldn't stop thinking about our situation with the lack of power. Hey! Maybe I can remember to learn from that short adversity. Good one!
-- Cassandra
I am amazed at your ability to write your feelings in such eloquent ways. My written words seem to come out all jumbled and confusing.... I love your analogy of the vegetable soup! I think, that at times, we are all a little spiritually dehydrated. The question is, what are you doing about it? Also, if you (the dehyrated vegetable) are put in the pot with full flavored, spiritually hydrated vegetables, what happens to your flavor? You still have the flavor of the carrot, but you also absorb the wonderful flavor of the veggies around you. I love Relief Society! I love being able to be myself, get spiritually hydrated and then taste a little like my sisters.
What in tar nation are you talking about your words get all jumbled up! This was beautifully said and written. I love your comments! Thank you for reading and replying and for the compliments.
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