Thursday, April 30, 2009


My good friend asked me if my post on death was the "death of my blog". Hmm, good question. I have toyed with the idea of saying good bye to the old blog, possibly even print it and add it to my other journals. But I will have to say No, it is not good bye forever. This blogger is going to hang on until death does in fact tear me away from the clicking and clacking of keys!

In my defense of not blogging, my thoughts are just so reserved for my online classes that I feel I have nothing else to give right now. As the title of this entry states, Utopia, is on my mind. I am currently enrolled in Sociology 101. Very fascinating class. I was encouraged to imagine a society in which there are no social classes, no differences in people's wealth, income, and life chances. This was my reply to one class mate in regards to "middle class" status...

I too have thought a great deal about where I came from, where I am now, and where I long to be. I certainly would never place my growing up status as middle class. I certainly do not consider myself middle class now. But in defense of that I must say that if there were other statistics riding on what class individuals are placed in, I would most definately have grown up in Upper class style and would still be in Upper class style!

I have ALWAYS had food to eat, presentable and clean cloths to wear (my mother took great pride in appearance, it was all she had control over), a comfortable home with plenty of opportunities to learn and grow, a faith that I base my whole life around, parents who loved me and cared for me, and now that I am grown I enjoy the same pleasures except now I have an addition of a husband who works hard, has the same goals and ideals, and I have children who have 10 fingers and toes each, two eyes that work, two ears each (that work most of the time), and minds that are healthy and active. In my oppinion all of this makes me far more UPPER class than any wealthy woman on the whole earth.

To me that is a utopian society. A society in which there are blessings in abundance. Blessings beyond materialistic wants, but an abundance of the good and necessary things in life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too am enrolled in Sociology for Fall. Yuck! Maybe you will have to tutor me. I am sure my brain will be completely consumed at that time. Why did I leave all the yucky classes for last? Oh wait, I didn't like Psychology or Government either. Double yuck!!