That word looks funny with out the little squiggly thing over the n. Today before leaving for church I was sitting on the couch patiently awaiting the time to leave and Lydia breaks out in song. She makes up some of the funniest and cute songs, actually come to think of it the songs are quite like what an Oompa Loompa might come up with. Improvisation is what Willy Wonka says. I think she must have gotten it from them.
So, she is singing away and I am just giggling and this of course is way too encouraging. It was probably one of her best yet! I will do my best to try and relay the song to you. Don't even ask me the tune that too is made up. Here is the song, keep in mind the song is about me, it will be funnier later at the end.
You are so sweet
You are so delicious
You look so tasty
I want to gobble you up
You look like a pinanna
Full of candy
I want to hit you
Until the candy falls out
By this point I am laughing so hard I have to ask her what on earth a pinanna is. She tells me it is the funny shaped things at birthday parties that you hit and candy comes out. OK, so I explain the proper way to say it. She continues on with her song, singing pretty much the same stuff. Then she comes over to me, here is the finale of the song (I wish I recorded it!), and in slow motion using sound effects and everything, she pretends to swing a stick at me. Using her little fingers she comes to me with little tickle like grabs, pulls "candy" out of my sides and starts gobbling my arms (she uses just her lips, like a horse would, and "gobbles" me up, this is not uncommon for her).
Seriously the most hilarious thing she has ever done! Can I use serious and hilarious in the same sentence?
What a goofy girl. Too cute!
I've always thought you looked like a pinata. DUH! That is seriously hilarious! Way too cute Lydia
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