Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Here it is half way into January and I am finally deciding to think about the coming year. This past Sunday I heard a talk that inspired me. I always think in my mind things I want to do, accomplish, or overcome. But very rarely do I actually write them down. And what does that mean? It doesn't happen! So, this year I resolve to write things down, things I want to do, accomplish, or overcome. I will start here. Yes, right here on my public blog. Then maybe, just maybe, one of my faithful readers will feel so inspired to send me a note and ask how I'm doing at my list of things to resolve.

1.Read Jesus the Christ by James E Talmage. I have wanted to read this book for years. I have tried just as many times to read it. But I never was as determined to know Christ in a more personal way than I am now. I'm on chapter 2. I know, how pathetic. But seriously, this book is so deep and Talmage's vocabulary is beyond my knowledge; I have to use a dictionary and reread each paragraph at least twice.

2.Read more good books. Enlightening, entertaining, encouraging, enslaving (if you have read Harry Potter then you know what I mean by that). I have found my favorite books to read are young novels for ages 9-12. That might sound odd for such an oldie as myself (hahaha) but I truly enjoy a good story that doesn't have a lot of garbage added, and this is the perfect age to get that. I also enjoy the classics for the same age group. Thus far my favorite is Roald Dahl, but am looking forward to gaining new loves.

3.Laugh, live, and love more.

4.Worry less, stress less, freak out less.

Well, I think that will keep me rather busy this year. Hope that my resolutions are inspiring in the manner that mine motivate you to make and keep your own.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year...keep resolving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like a wonderful person and I have a strong feeling that you are someone special. I have read "Jesus The Christ" (some years ago) and found it to be enlightening and spiritually uplifting. I recommend it to anyone who wants to know their Savior.

I would like to know you more gooder, so I think I'll return periodically. MDG