I am so sick of this blog. I don't even want to come in here. The layout grosses me out, the colors, the feel, the words. I am still totally into food and taking pictures of my food, I am just bored with sharing it. I want to write, but I have not thoughts! I am still a wife and working on perfecting my wifery skills. I am still a mother and have ridiculously hilarious encounters with my kids. (This dumb statistics class I am taking is sucking all mental thought right out of my brain!) And then I ask myself.."What is all this for anyway?"
I need a boost, a pick me up. Anyone out there still reading? If so, what say ye? Does suez world need an overhaul? If so, where, what? I think I am having a case of bloggers blah!
Bloggers Blah defined: One who blogs yet has a moment of boredom (even a stupor of thought) regarding all things associated with blogging.