Thursday, August 13, 2009

God does hear us

We moved into a house that is 2 blocks from our children's school full knowing that the first grade was FULL. Lydia was number 3 on the waiting list. We were planning to home school her (because they wanted to bus her to a different school that was 4 miles away) until the school notified us of an opening. Lydia was devastated by this news. She was truly heart broken. She was also very mature about it and agreed to work hard from home so that when she could join her class she would be on top.

As a family we have been praying that Heavenly Father would bless Lydia to start school on the first day with her sister and the other children. In secret I pleaded with Heavenly Father to know the thoughts and feelings of my 6 year old child. I told Heavenly Father that I knew that with Him, nothing was impossible. I knew that if it was His will, 3 families with first graders would have already moved or would be moving.

Today, just moments ago, I received a call from the school. She informed me that they received notice that 3 first graders had moved and that Lydia would be starting school along with all the other children! Right then and there while on the phone with the secretary I got choked up and could have cried. Not because Lydia's attending public school was so important to me, but because attending school with the other children was important to Lydia. I am so emotional because Heavenly Father KNOWS and LOVES my precious child, HIS child. He HEARS and ANSWERS prayers of the young and old!

For with God NOTHING shall be impossible! Luke 1:37


Liz said...

Yes, He does! So where do you guys live now? Are you farther or closer and still in the 6th ward? Really, lets get together soon!

Rena said...

I'm so happy for her. That's great that you got notice so early too!

HKins said...

What a wonderful story. I'm glad Lydia gets to start school with her class.

Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

Wow - what an amazing story. When things like that come together you can't deny where it came from. I'm so glad it worked out for you.

Suzanna said...

Thank you all! Everything is still so surreal! I keep expecting to wake up from all this greatness that God has given me and my family!

Nano said...

First of all, you obiously live in a different part of the country (or at least a buzier city) than I do. I can't believe that there was a waiting list for an average local school!

Second, the story of your families miracle is amazing. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful the Lord is. How sweet it is that you were so intune and caring about what Lydia feels and thinks.