Friday, September 25, 2009

2 Steps Back

How does that old adage go? "Three steps forward and two steps back." The past few days I was progressing quite nicely. I fell short last night and my demons once again presented themselves causing me to not just take two steps back but to fall back. The difference between last night and so many instances in the past is that an unseen force was there for me and for my husband. A force that took us by not only the hand but by the heart and helped us get back up.

A thought has been going through my mind this morning, aside from my two steps backward last night. It is better to face sorrow that I may know the good from the evil. I am a religious person and attend a sacred ceremony every Friday morning before the sun even awakes. I do this by choice. I do this so that I may draw closer to my Maker. It is in this holy place that I am reminded of the purpose of my life. It is here that I am reminded why I love my husband so much. In spite of every trial and struggle and heartache I endure (or cause) I am reminded that my marriage is eternal, that if I face and overcome the weakness of my physical character I will be given more than my mortal mind can comprehend. I am reminded of my duty to my husband as his companion and friend. There is no other place on the face of the earth I would rather spend my Friday mornings. It is here that I find the courage and hope required to let the past week go and face the coming with renewed vitality.

So I failed last night, today I am stronger and more prepared. Today I am even more aware of my weaknesses and ready to face them head on. My mind, my heart, and my feet are ready to make up the 2 steps we lost and move forward!


Carrie Miller said...

I hope you are doing okay. Love ya!

HKins said...

The beauty part of taking one step forward & 2 steps back is that you're still making progress. You're sill learning & that is what really matters.

Suzanna said...

Thanks Hkins. You are absolutely correct. It may not be the progress I desire but it is progress none the less. I am grateful for opportunities to learn and grow.